福山市に避難 ウクライナ人家族の今 The life of a Ukrainian refugee family in Fukuyama
- Опубликовано: 24 янв 2025
- 放送日 2023/2/24 Aired on February 24, 2023
福山市に避難 ウクライナ人家族の今 The life of a Ukrainian refugee family in Fukuyama
Hiroshima Peace Program TSS ARCHIVE PROJECT
It's strawberry season,and the whole family is making the most of it. On February 11, an international exchange organization in Fukuyama planned this strawberry picking trip,aimed at facilitating communication between Ukrainian refugees in Fukuyama. The refugees have also gone grape picking together, as well as visited Hiroshima Castle. On today's trip, there are 5 families, a total of 10 people, participating. There are 8 refugee families, a total of 14 people, living in Fukuyama.
Yeva (5)
It's huge! Look how big!
Hanna Semenenko (39)
Last year, I bought strawberry seedlings when I was living in Ukraine. I only bought three. For all I know, those strawberries might be waiting for me back home. Or my husband (who still lives in Ukraine) might be enjoying them.
As life in Japan continues for the refugees, many are now able to answer questions in Japanese. According to data from the Immigration Bureau of Japan, as of last week, there were 2158 Ukrainians living in Japan. Wait a minute, hold that strawberry up while I get a picture.
Viktoriia Katrych
Viktoriia came with two members of her family. It's been nearly a year since they moved to Fukuyama.
What are you eating there, Sofia? Show me, come on. Say, "I'm having fish"!
In March of last year, Viktoriia came to Fukuyama with her mother, Tetiana, and daughter, Sofia, from Mykolaiv, next to Odesa in southern Ukraine. It's been nearly one year since they moved here. Little Sofia, who was crawling at the time,is now running around and her teeth have grown in.
【エヴァちゃんのお母さん アンナ・セメネンコさん(39)】
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